Ok, I am weird. Words are so fascinating to me. What cracks me up is the way people misuse language - making up their own words, mispronouncing words, and being generally redundant or peculiar. Then, there's my quirk of having certain words cause me to shudder. Whatever it is, I just don't like the sound of some. So here are some interesting ones for your reading pleasure.

Monday, August 28, 2006


These are wrong pronunciations of different words. I know there are plenty of these out there, but these are just a few. Please feel free to submit more!

acrost (instead of across)
chest (instead of chess)
nuclear: new-kyuh-ler vs. new-clear
interesting: in-tresting vs in-ter-esting or even inner-esting.
mature: ma-tyoor vs ma-chur
familiar: fer-mil-yer
sherbet: people pronouce this word as sher-bert, but it should be sor-bay.


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